Attempts and conspiracies
Attempts to monopolize
- Section 2 of the Sherman Act forbids “attempts to monoplize”
- In the American Tobacco case, the Supreme Court interprets this to mean ``employment of methods, means and practices which would, if successful, accomplish monopolization, and which through falling short, nevertheless approach so close as to create a dangerous probability of it”
- That is, doing the following two things together is illegal
- Exhibiting an intent to monopolize
- Being dangerously close to monopolization
- To show this, a plaintiff is required to prove three things
- The defendent engaged in anticompetitive behavior
- The defendant had specific intent to monopolize
- The defendant has a high probability of achieving monopoly power
Specific intent
- To show specific intent, the plaintiff must show the defendant’s behavior was meant to control the price in a relevant market, or exclude others from the market
- This behavior is sometimes hard to separate from normal business practices
- Consider Union Leader Corp. v. Newspapers of New England (1959)
- In this case, the relevant market was only big enough for a single firm
- The firms in this market were trying to survive competition, not necessarily monopolize
- The courts ruled that competitive superiority resulting in monopolization is not an antitrust violation
- The courts believed antitrust law should not “dampen the competitive zeal”
- Antitrust law protects the competitive process, not the competitors
Conspiracies to monopolize
- Section 2 of the Sherman Act forbids attempts of two or more persons from conspiring to monopolize a market
- To prove an illegal conspiracy to monopolize, two criteria must be met
- Two or more persons took concerted actions with a specific intent to monoplize the market
- These persons made at least one overt act in furtherance of the illegal scheme
- Technically, the actions need not be successful
- In practice, antitrust enforcers don’t care about unsuccessful actions
Consipracies to monopolize: dangerous probabilities
- To prosecute firms for attempts (conspiracies) to monopolize, the courts must determine if a firm in the relevant market has a dangerous probability of successfully acquiring monopoly power
- The courts look at four factors
- The relative size of the firm in question, in terms of its market share
- The structure of the industry
- The firm’s conduct and business practices
- The performance of the firm and industry
- Generally, the courts do not find a dangerous probability for a firm with less than 30% market share, and seldom find it for a firm with 30-50% market share