Grinnell test
- United States v. Grinnell (1986) established the Grinnell test for antitrust cases, a 2-pronged test for illegal monopoly
- The defendant has monopoly power in the relevant market
- The development of the defendent’s monopoly power was a “willful acquisition of maintenance of that power”, instead of as a result of superior products, business acumen, or a historical accident
- In other words, if the defendant is guilty, it’s because they tried to become a monopoly, rather than just stumbling into monopoly power
- First prong
- Define a relevant market
- Show that the defendant has monopoly power in the relevant market
- Second prong
- Show that the monopoly misued their market power
- Conduct with a legitimate business purpose is fine
- Any conduct with a predatory or exclusionary purpose is not
Aspen Skiing Company v. Aspen Highlands Skiing Corporation (1985)
- Refer to Aspen Skiing as Aspen and Aspen Highlands Skiing as Highlands
- Aspen owned 3 mountains for skiing in Colorado, Highlands owned one mountain
- Throughout the 1970’s, guests could buy a single pass to access all four mountains with revenue divided amongst the moutains based on usage
- In 1978, Aspen required Highlands to accept a fixed 15% of revenue and made it much harder for customers to use the multi-site passes
- Aspen decided to eliminate the multi-site passes
- The court used the Grinnell test and found Aspen guilty of an antitrust violation
- The market was defined as the four mountains owned by Aspen and Highlands
- Aspen was deemed to have market power
- By eliminating the multi-site passes, Aspen was exerting market power over Highlands
- The court found that Aspen’s elimination of multi-site passes damaged its rival’s business but also reduced the demand of its own business in the short-run, in an anticipation to drive its competitor out of business and exploit monopoly profit in the long-run
- The case hinged on the fact that the multi-site passes existed prior to the violation, and eliminating them was predatory
Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Technical Services, Inc. (1992)
- Kodak produced and provided maintenance for copiers and other equipment
- Eventually, independent service organizations (ISOs) entered the repair market, receiving repair parts from Kodak or the original parts manufacturers
- In 1985, Kodak restricted the sale of replacement parts to their customers, on the condition that repairs be done by Kodak
- They also pressured parts manufacturers to exclude ISOs from the repair market
- Image Technical and other ISOs claimed Kodak committed two antitrust violations
- Illegally tying their products(equipment) to the repair of their products
- Monopolizing the market for service of Kodak equipment
- Market definition
- ISOs claimed the markets were distinct: equipment market vs. parts service market
- Kodak claimed the equipment was useless without service, thus it was only a single market
- The courts believed the two markets were distinct in the eyes of the buyer (primary market for equipment and secondary aftermarket for repair parts)
- Market power
- Kodak claimed that it lacked market power in the repair market, since it didn’t have market power in the copier market
- The Supreme Court ruled in favor of ISOs, noting that Kodak had nearly 100% control of the repair parts market
- This case highlights the importance of market definition